FS Real Time
3D Softworks
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"FS Real Time" has been designed to keep Microsoft® Flight Simulators UTC (Zulu/GMT) time and date in sync with the Real World. You can have it maintain either the current Real Time, or an offset (+/-) so you can fly at any variation of time from the Real Time. This program will monitor your aircraft's current UTC offset within Microsoft Flight Simulator and preemptively adjust the game's UTC to the correct (offset adjusted) time, as you cross each Time Zone.
Comments (5)
Since several months FsRealTime searches for an update
when I start the program but nothing happens. After a waiting time of approx. one minute the program starts
and works as usual.
How can I switch off that annoying searching for updates.
Fritz Witt
If yuo fly only at your time zone, so you can autoupdate time just by fsuipc, but if you fly different regions and want to be sure that your time in the flight is correct everywere and everytime, so this stuff is a must have.
I'm only the developer of FS Real Time, not the developer of the World Time Zones 'Scenery' that comes bundled with FS Real Time. The FS Real Time software by itself does an excellent job of maintaining the time within the flight simulator. The freeware World Time Zone files are maintained by Dennis Thompson who unfortunately hasn't updated those time zones in some time. I'm always looking for talented individuals who are interested in updating and maintaining a more current set of world time zones scenery.